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AI to transform your business

Customer Agent

A multi-national company that runs construction businesses all over the world uses SYVA Customer Agent to manage interactions with all its 10,000 plus employees.

Requests can be made to clarify deployments, work schedules, company protocols and even check on more personal matters such as salaries and pensions — all without differences in time zones causing delays to receiving answers. The system can deal with 1,000 different enquiries simultaneously.

SYVA by MinskyAI for for retailers.

A multinational electronics company uses SYVA Customer Agent on its website to interact with clients, both existing and potential. SYVA can help enquirers select the most appropriate device for their needs, complete the financial transaction and organise delivery of the goods.

Additionally, SYVA provides help supporting the customer after the initial purchase with setup issues, accessories, consumables and looking after the environment.


Data Nexus

A development company frequently organising multi-billion dollar civil engineering contracts is turning to SYVA Data Nexus to make the workload run more smoothly and accurately.

First, the overall contract is split into subcontract segments. SYVA extracts from the main contract the works that can be compartmentalised into subcontracts, generating Bills of Quantity, templates and tender documents to send to prospective contractors.

SYVA then analyses the responses, comparing the prices and specification variations.

SYVA checks into the background performances and track records of the prospective subcontractors.

Finally, in this phase, SYVA generates the appropriate safety and BCMS compliance documents that are pertinent to each part of the proposed works.

Because much of the documentation is of a confidential and sensitive nature MinskyAI Technology has set up the entire system to run 'on premises' rather than the Cloud.


Transcribe & Comprehend

A Fire Department is looking to deploy SYVA Transcribe and Comprehend to improve the way their HQ handles emergency calls.

Currently incoming phone calls are dealt with by an operator listening to the call and at the same time manually entering the call details on the computer system. Once the key details have been entered, the operator then reads back the information to verify it has been taken down accurately.

In future SYVA Transcribe and Comprehend will transcribe the audio into text in real time, simultaneously cross checking the incident address and location for accuracy. Confirmed and precise details are then available for the appropriate response. This may include direct simultaneous notification to the emergency responder unit, thus reducing the risk or error and improving response time.

SYVA understands and can instantly transcribe numerous languages into English text, once again reducing the potential for confusion or delay.

PDF View or download MinskyAI leaflet, client examples and case studies.
